Sunday, November 20, 2011

I don't want miss a thing

I found this by accident... while looking the official one as below I think it's cool enough

Yeah, it's kinda an old song. But it represents my feeling now.

I really miss someone I haven't met in a while. Well actually only about one week. Lol...
The lyric in this song suit my feeling now. Because accidentally I know what she does now. Simple, she watches a movie. She said that if I wanted to ask her watch a movie, wait until a good movie. Because that time in Indonesia the government forbade foreign movie. Well, what she said about good movie is movie she is watching now. It's just it's not my favourite movie. So I don't ask.

Unfortunately, a lot of my friends ask me to watch it.

Yeah, I think I'll just let it flow.

Surprisingly, she called me just before I publish this writing

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Jomblo Selingkuh

pernah denger orang jomblo bisa selingkuh?

yah mungkin gw gila, soalnya gw ngerasa begitu

Honestly, today I wanna be with her, yeah... her...
That beautiful mess...
The one who has made a mess in my heart for almost 3 years
I want to give her support
and accompany her while she is sick

I'm sorry girl, my heart leave you faster that it should be
Because she has made my heart in a mess again

You, yeah you... The beautiful mess... Get well soon okay
My prayer be with you

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Nobody's Perfect - about relationship

Nobody's perfect in this world
You can't ask for a perfect woman in this world
Especially if you love an imperfect woman

Don't let a little problem break your relationship
Mistake, misunderstanding...
I think the best thing about it is,
we can learn forgiving from someone special for us.

Don't let a little problem break your relationship
Well, let's say if she leave you,
You can't be sure she will be back.
Or your next couple will be better.

Nobody's perfect...
Sometimes we must endure the problems we are facing.
I don't say we shouldn't find the perfect one for us.
Sometimes I suggests
"Leave the jerk!"

You can't find a perfect person in your mind...
But you can find a perfect person in your heart.
Follow your heart... not your ego.
Because nobody's perfect...

"If you ask why I use woman in this article, I'll answer because I'm a man."

Monday, March 21, 2011

Clay Aiken - Everything I Have

Lately, I feel like to hear this song.
I think it has a deep meaning.

I think I can accompany someone as long as she wish it
but sometimes she just missing

Well, I haven't got any promise, but I believe there is an angel by her side
Also everyone who read this blog

have a wonderful day all

Friday, March 11, 2011


You hold my hands
You bring me out of darkness
You are my angel
Although sometimes you really like a demon

You teach me sanity
You give me hope
You tell me how to live
Even I curious where the strength come from your little body

You grab my hand
You pull me up
You take me fly away
Then you release me over the sky

Should I put you hand off since the beginning?
Should I stay away from you since the beginning?
Now, I can differentiate this from a dream
Wishing tomorrow I'll wake up and see this just a dream

But you're gone
You're gone
Leave me in the air
Without you

29 September 2010

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Semester 5

Ga sadar udah hampir lulus...

Jadi pengen corat-coret ga jelas...

Dulu inget waktu mau lulus mau masuk kampus mana mau msk jurusan apa...

Pengen kul di jakarta, ga kesampaian...

Bagus jg sih, ga kebayang kalo di jakarta bayar pake apa...


Muter" keliling kampus cobain 1-1

Ga lulus senam petani... Hahaha.. Aneh" aja itu istilah...

Akhirnya masuk di kampus yg sekarang...


Asik juga. Ketemu makhluk" ga jelas yg tiada duanya...

Inget dulu wkt baru masuk sering jalan" berempat sama P, Y, & J...

Berenang, si J seneng berenang

Ke mall, jalan" ga jelas soalnya si Y bukan dari Bandung...

Ke "situ" bareng kampus...

Dulu inget disebut monster sama anak"

wkwkwkwk... ada" aja...

Sering jg jalan" bareng si D naik mobil. Wisata kuliner.

Sayang orangnya dah beda kampus.

Di pertengahan kuliah g sempet ngilang...

Mgkn g agak mengecewakan kali yah d saat" ini

Emang g orgnya ngangenin sih. Hahahaha...Dcari terus (bakat orang terkenal)

Sampe barusan mendadak inget udah mau lulus...

Dulu inget mau les mandarin sama anak"

sampe sekarang ga jadi"


Yg jadi cm c Net...

keinget kemaren si Y ga percaya g lebi cupu pake powerpointnya dari dia

lha, orang dari sejak masuk jg dah g bilang... wkwkwkwk...

banyak inget kejadian konyol...

Yah, anyway udah mau lulus juga dari kampus kesayangan ini (ya iya lah, cm ada 1 kampus)

dengan hasil jauh lebih dari yg diharapkan waktu mau daftar...

Belajar banyak, bukan dari kampusnya doank

Dari kampusnya sih dari pada disebut belajar banyak, lebih cocok disebut belajar efektif... hahaha...

Rasanya lebih banyak belajar dari tmn"

Yah, biar pun berat, tapi lewat juga kan ^^

06-03-2011 06:06 A.M.

Pas mau tulis ini malah liat kebakaran di deket pasar ciroyom

kalo inget sesuatu lagi bakal di-update

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Arti kuliah

Hmm... Terinspirasi kejadian kemaren lagi...
Memang paling bagus jangan menyimpan isi hati yah... hehehe...

Jadi kemaren ada sedikit kejadian ga enak di kampus,
gw.... gw.... telat.... Hahaha...

Telatnya gara" bantuin orang bikin presentasi.
Masalahnya bukan di situ sih, yg jadi masalah...
Kenapa ada yg BT dengan hasil presentasinya?

Jadi gini kronologisnya, ada 1 orang yg jelas" marah" begitu beres kelas.
Alhasil g ga nanya langsung orgnya, tapi nanya tmn g yg lain... (cape deh)
Ternyata jawabannya dia marah" gara" presentasi itu. Lho?

Yg g ga ngerti, kenapa?
Rasanya untuk standar presentasi cukup lumayan.
Setidaknya msh ada yg lbh jelek. Bukan maksudnya menjelekkan orang lain yah...

Tapi rasanya tidak etis juga itu ada yg marah" seperti itu.
Seinget g, dan pasti bener ingetan g yg ini, presentasi ini tugas.
Dan tugas untuk belajar. Bukan jadiin ini buat alasan yah...
Tapi rasanya kalo tugas kita ga harus perfect.
Rasanya wajar kalo orang ada kekurangan.
Apalagi kalo yg mengerjakannya sudah berusaha.
Terlepas dari usahanya sudah maksimal atau belum.
Karena ada juga orang yang tidak berusaha dan asal jadi.

G msh bisa terima kalo misalnya alesan mereka kesel (ato mgkn marah) gara" keterlambatan.
Itu memang salah...
Tapi kalo alesannya gara" presentasinya jelek? Hebat sekali mereka yg kesel.
Secara, dosennya aja ga kasih komentar negatif.

Yah, sudah lah... Semoga aja ntar bisa diperbaiki.

Jadi inget dulu waktu jaman SMA mau kuliah. Seperti yg dilakukan anak" pada umumnya, carilah universitas terbaik.
G wkt itu PD mau msk yg standarnya tinggi buat IT ato design karena udah PD. Udah beberapa kali ikut lomba untuk IT. Dan cukup PD soal skill gambar.
Dan memang di sekolahan g (dan angkatan g) dulu itu jurusan yg cukup favorit.
Termasuk beberapa orang yg g pikir "astaga, ni org mau masuk jurusan ini? Ga salah?"
Dan orangnya dengan pede jawab "lha, kita kan kuliah buat belajar"
Langsung g speechless...

Yah anyway, kuliah itu kan tempat belajar. Walau pun rasanya memang sekolah dan kuliah tidak mengajarkan kedewasaan.
Baiklah, kuliah dulu yah... Hehehe...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Nikita Willy - Ku Tetap Menanti (Translated)

As you can see the post below or may be you can see here

I think for foreigner I'll translate the lyric to English and my note in that post. For the video and the original lyric, well... Just go to that post. I hope my translation is correct =)

Even though you're not mine
But still my heart is yours
Millions choices beside me
Won't replace you

Even the storm hits
I won't let go my love
Give me the chance to prove
I can be the best
And still the best

I will wait
Even though it will be long
I will faithfully wait for you
I know you're only for me

Let my time
Run out for this waiting
Until you believe how great
my love for you, I'll wait

Even the storm hits
I won't let go my love
Give me the chance to prove
I can be the best
And still the best

I will wait
Even though it will be long
I will faithfully wait for you
I know you're only for me

Let my time
Run out for this waiting
Until you believe how great
my love for you, I'll wait

Long waiting

I will wait
Even though it will be long
I will faithfully wait for you
I know you're only, only for me

Let my time
Run out for this waiting
Until you believe how great
my love for you, I'll wait

My love for you...
I still waiting

Even though you're not mine
But my heart is yours
Today one of my friend share this song to me... Lol
For a clear reason
Well, I don't think I will share it here
But this song represent my condition
Not all of my condition, but the lyric is clear
But anyway, this is a good song
So I share it here

For the anyone who is falling in love, or fighting for it
can try to move forward

Me? I'm just doing thing I like. And I love with this condition
I think I still enjoy my single relationship status

Nikita Willy - Ku Tetap Menanti

Meski dirimu bukan milikku
Namun hatiku tetap untukmu
Berjuta pilihan disisiku
Takkan bisa mengantikanmu

Walau badai menerpa
Cintaku takkan ku lepas
Berikan kesempatan untuk membuktikan
Ku mampu menjadi yang terbaik
Dan masih jadi yang terbaik

Ku akan menanti
Meski harus penantian panjang
Ku akan tetap setia menunggumu
Ku tahu kau hanya untukku

Biarlah waktuku
Habis oleh penantian ini
Hingga kau percaya betapa besar
Cintaku padamu ku tetap menanti

Walau badai menerpa
Cintaku takkan ku lepas
Berikan kesempatan untuk membuktikan
Ku mampu jadi yang terbaik
Dan masih jadi yang terbaik

Ku akan menanti
Meski harus penantian panjang
Ku akan tetap setia menunggumu
Ku tahu kau hanya untukku

Biarlah waktuku
Habis oleh penantian ini
Hingga kau percaya betapa besar
Cintaku padamu ku tetap menanti

Penantian panjang

Ku akan menanti
Meski harus penantian panjang
Ku akan tetap setia menunggumu
Ku tahu kau hanya hanya, hanya untukku

Biarlah waktuku
Habis oleh penantian ini
Hingga kau percaya betapa besar
Cintaku padamu ku tetap menanti

Cintaku padamu...
Ku tetap menanti

Meski dirimu bukan milikku
Namun hatiku tetap untukmu

Hari ini di kampus ada temen ngasih lagu ini ke g...
Untuk alasan yg jelas.
Yah, ceritanya sih mungkin ga g bahas di sini
Tapi mungkin lagu ini cukup menggambarkan keadaan g.
Ga seluruhnya, tapi mungkin lirik lagunya cukup jelas
Tapi gimana pun juga, lagu ini tetep bagus.
Makanya g share di sini

Mungkin buat yg lagi jatuh cinta, atau memperjuangkan cintanya
Bisa mencoba untuk tetap maju.

Gw? G sih cm melakukan yg g suka. Kebetulan g msh suka dengan keadaan ini.
Biarin deh jomblo jg. Hahaha...

07 Maret 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Okay, after one year doesn't publish anything to this blog (even I just realize there is a comment in about a year)
I will become active in this blog again (hopefully)

If I use Indonesian, of course I will use slank language. Lol
So, please translate it by your self :p

I'll try to make it in both language if I publish anything (English & Indonesian)

Who knows my blog will be popular in the whole world (hopefully)

But if I publish something in only one language, please understand, sometimes the essence only happen in that language.

Let say this blog is reborn.
But old post will not be deleted.
Even I get surprised reading my old writing... Lol

Anyway, the content of the blog maybe not clear, but I hope you enjoy it ^^


Oke, setelah satu tahun ga masukin apa" ke blog ini (baru sadar ada yg komen udah setaun malahan)
G bakal aktif lagi d blog ini (semoga)

Kalo make bahasa Indonesia, jelas bakal pake bahasa slank... Hahaha...
Jadi harap terjemahkan sendiri artinya apa :p

Dan g jg bakal usahakan bikin 2 bahasa kalo nulis segala sesuatu (Inggris & Indonesia)

Siapa tau blog g mendadak terkenal sampe Manca Negara (ngarep)

Tapi kalo cm keluar dalem 1 bahasa, harap maklum, ada beberapa hal yg esensinya cm ada dalem bahasa itu...

Bisa dibilang blog ini g reborn kan... (nah kan udah nyampur sama bahasa lain)
Tapi postingan lama bakal g pertahankan
ga nyangka g sendiri liat lagi tulisan g bagus juga... Hahaha....

Isinya mgkn agak ga jelas, tapi semoga bisa dinikmati ^^